
according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

The accreditation according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 applies to the test procedures specified in the document:

  • Determination of wind potential and energy yield of wind turbines,

  • Determination of site quality at commissioning,

  • Performance, evaluation and analysis of wind measurements with anemometers, SODAR, and LIDAR,

  • Determination of reference yield of wind turbines

  • Determination of site quality after commissioning,

  • Calculation of the shadow impact of wind turbines,

  • Calculation of the sound immission of wind turbines

List of accredited activities conducted unter the flexible scope:
No. Test procedure Revision
1 FGW TR6: Bestimmung von Windpotenzial und Energieerträgen 11
2 FGW TR5: Bestimmung und Anwendung des Referenzertrages 8
3 IEC 61400-12-1:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines 2022-09
4 DIN ISO 9613-2: Akustik - Dämpfung des Schalls bei der Ausbreitung im Freien – Teil 2: Allgemeines Berechnungsverfahren 1999-10
5 FGW TR10: Bestimmung der Standortgüte nach Inbetriebnahme 2
6 IEC 61400-50-1:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 50-1: Wind measurement - Application of meteorological mast, nacelle and spinner mounted instruments 2022-11
7 IEC 61400-50-2:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 50-2: Wind measurement - Application of ground-mounted remote sensing technology 2022-08