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according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
The accreditation according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 applies to the test procedures specified in the document:
Determination of wind potential and energy yield of wind turbines,
Determination of site quality at commissioning,
Performance, evaluation and analysis of wind measurements with anemometers, SODAR, and LIDAR,
Determination of reference yield of wind turbines
Determination of site quality after commissioning,
Calculation of the shadow impact of wind turbines,
Calculation of the sound immission of wind turbines
List of accredited activities conducted unter the flexible scope:
No. | Test procedure | Revision |
1 | FGW TR6: Bestimmung von Windpotenzial und Energieerträgen | 11 |
2 | FGW TR5: Bestimmung und Anwendung des Referenzertrages | 8 |
3 | IEC 61400-12-1:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines | 2022-09 |
4 | DIN ISO 9613-2: Akustik - Dämpfung des Schalls bei der Ausbreitung im Freien – Teil 2: Allgemeines Berechnungsverfahren | 1999-10 |
5 | FGW TR10: Bestimmung der Standortgüte nach Inbetriebnahme | 2 |
6 | IEC 61400-50-1:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 50-1: Wind measurement - Application of meteorological mast, nacelle and spinner mounted instruments | 2022-11 |
7 | IEC 61400-50-2:2022: Wind energy generation systems – Part 50-2: Wind measurement - Application of ground-mounted remote sensing technology | 2022-08 |